Dig for Victory Monthly Guides

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Cabbages and Related Crops DfV 5

Cabbages and Related Crops Guide


brassica growing guideDIG FOR VICTORY LEAFLET No. 5

As this leaflet says at the start:

THE cabbage family can provide food from the garden in all seasons of the year—highly nutritious food, particularly rich in protective vitamins.

The cabbage family along with the peas and beans have been staple crops in these lands since pre-history.

This leaflet covered four pages and I have stayed with basically the same format, splitting the content on subject lines rather than the limitations of paper. My comments are in green.

Varieties of Cabbages & Brussels Sprouts to Grow

Varieties of Cabbages & Brussels Sprouts to Grow

In this page of the wartime gardening dig for victory leaflet no. 5 on growing cabbages and related crops, suggestions are made for varieties to grow
Broccoli, Cauliflowers & Kales

Broccoli, Cauliflowers & Kales

In this second page of the wartime brassica growing guide, it introduces the rest of the cabbage family and suggests varieties for growing at home
Raising Brassicas From Seed to Plant

Raising Brassicas From Seed to Plant

This page covers sowing the brassica (cabbage family) seeds in a seed bed and raising the plants to transplant to their permanent positions later.
Planting & Cultivating The Cabbage Family

Planting & Cultivating The Cabbage Family

In this final part of the wartime guide, the planting out and cultivation of the leafy brassicas in the cabbage family is covered.