Dig for Victory Monthly Guides

The Book - Now Available!

April 1945 Allotment & Garden Guide

Monthly Growing Guide April 1945The original April 1945 Dig for Victory wartime growing leaflet consisted of 8 pages which I have followed by reproducing the content onto separate pages.

Where an article runs onto two pages these have sometimes been combined into one page for readability or the trailing content moved onto the relevant page.

Where I feel it helpful, I’ve annotated the information. To make annotations obvious, they are coloured green.

The April 1945 Growing Guide covered these main points:

  1. Timing for jobs like potato planting and the importance of getting on with jobs whenever the opportunity arises, especially thinning seedlings.
  2. Frequent hoeing and reminders regarding swedes, shallots, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, clearing brassica stumps. Seed-sowing and fertiliser.
  3. Sowing beans – dwarf and haricot, beet, cabbages, carrots, lettuce.
  4. The art of making and placing pea sticks
  5. General advice on pests and specific advice on wireworm
  6. The difference between millipedes and centipedes with brilliant illustration. The leather jacket.
  7. The dreaded cabbage white and other brassica eating caterpillars. Clearing rubbish from the plot.
  8. A list of other pests and the chemicals they used to control them with in wartime – and after.
Getting on With the Job

Getting on With the Job

This page from the April 1945 growing guide urges readers to plant and sow when conditions are right but to get on with the job when they can.
Keep Hoeing & Some Reminders

Keep Hoeing & Some Reminders

A set of reminders from the April 1945 official dig for victory growing guide and the importance of keeping the hoe going over the plot.
Beans, Beet, Cabbages, Carrots & Lettuce

Beans, Beet, Cabbages, Carrots & Lettuce

This page from the Official Wartime Guide covers sowing of Beans, Beet, Cabbages, Carrots and Lettuce following the Ministry of Agriculture's Plan.
Sticking Peas, Spinach

Sticking Peas, Spinach

This page of the April 1945 guide covers the art of pea sticking and an explanation of the different types of spinach that can be grown.
Pests in General, Wireworms

Pests in General, Wireworms

This page of the guide explains how healthy crops and proper cultivation will reduce pest problems and goes on to discuss trapping wireworms
Centipedes, Millipedes & Leather Jackets

Centipedes, Millipedes & Leather Jackets

I just love the illustration with this - dastardly millipedes, flying the swastika! Also controlling leather jackets and blackfly on broad beans
Butterflies & Rubbish

Butterflies & Rubbish

This page of the guide concentrates on that scourge of the cabbage family, the butterfly. Especially the Cabbage White. A little on slugs as well.
Chemical Pest Controls

Chemical Pest Controls

The grower in 1945 had a chemical armoury to fight pests that we don't. This page covers what the wartime gardener used for each pest - most banned now.