Things to do in the FRUIT GARDEN
Fruit trees benefit by a spring application of 1 oz. of sulphate of ammonia per square yard, worked into the surface soil in spring. And if you are having garden bonfires in March, don’t forget to keep the wood ash in a dry place. Apples and pears need the potash the wood ash contains, so work the ash into the soil in April. Plum trees, too, benefit from a dressing of 2 oz. of sulphate of ammonia to the square yard in spring.
Early in April you may have to spray your black-currants if they are troubled with “big bud”. Lime sulphur is the spray for this and you can get it ready made up with full directions for use.
Gooseberries also should be sprayed in April with lime sulphur, to ward off mildew before the flowers appear.
Apples (except “Beauty of Bath,” “Stirling Castle” and St. Cecilia” may be sprayed with lime sulphur while still in the green bud stage, that is, when the green flower buds are visible but have not begun to turn colour. This treatment will protect against “scab,” but should be repeated during April when the trees are at the “pink bud” stage, that is, before the flower buds begin to open, but after they have begun to show colour.
Lime sulphur spray is not now legally available in the UK. In Australia it is can be used in organic systems and is described as environmentally friendly, safe for people and the environment.
SOME PUBLICATIONS that may help you
If you would like more information about compost making than this “Guide” gives you, you would find this leaflet provides it – “Dig for Victory” Leaflet No. 7 – “How to make a Compost Heap”. As disease control in the fruit garden has been touched on, you may also like to get No. 18 – “Better Fruit – Disease Control in Private Gardens“.
All these leaflets are free, and you can get them by dropping a post-card to the Ministry at Berri Court Hotel, St. Annes, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire.
The April “guide” will touch on some pests of the vegetable garden. One of the Ministry’s bulletins, “Pests and Diseases in the Vegetable Garden” deals more fully with the subject and if you have not already got it you may like to know where it is obtainable. It costs 4d. (post free 5d.) and you can get it through any bookseller or direct from H.M. Stationery Office, York House, Kingsway, L’don. W.C.2