Dig for Victory Monthly Guides

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Drying Salting Pickles ChutneysDrying * Salting * Pickles * Chutneys

DIG FOR VICTORY LEAFLET No. 14 (page 4 of 4)


Pickles, like chutneys, are ideal for home growers as a method of preserving fruits and vegetables. Again, like chutneys, the fruits and vegetables need not be in first class condition

No special equipment is required to make pickles and different vessels can be pressed into service to store the product.

The strong flavour of pickles was ideal for enlivening a bland wartime diet.

The vegetables should be prepared by washing and slicing. Cauliflowers should be broken into small pieces ; beetroot should be boiled, peeled and cut into cubes.
The prepared vegetables are put in a basin and covered with brine (1 Ib. salt to 1 gallon water) or sprinkled with salt. After leaving overnight, the vegetables are removed, washed and drained, put into jars, and covered with cold spiced vinegar.

Spiced Vinegar

Good quality vinegar should be used, and the spices may be varied according to taste. The following mixture will be found suitable for one quart vinegar :

¼ oz. each of cinnamon bark, cloves, allspice and mace; a few peppercorns or a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Bring the spices and vinegar to boiling point in a covered saucepan (not brass, copper or iron), and allow to stand for 2 hours without further heating. After straining, the vinegar is ready for use.

Typical Recipe


  • 2 cauliflowers
  • 1 oz. whole spice
  • 2 cucumbers
  • ¼ Ib. sugar
  • 2 Ib. shallots
  • ½ oz. ground ginger
  • 1 marrow (medium)
  • 1 oz. mustard powder
  • 1 quart vinegar
  • 1 tablesp. Flour
  • ½ oz. turmeric powder

Prepare and salt the vegetables overnight. Boil the whole spices in a covered saucepan (not brass, copper or iron) with most of the vinegar for a few minutes. Mix the other ingredients with the remaining cold vinegar into a smooth paste, then add the strained spiced vinegar and boil for 15 minutes before pouring over the vegetables and bottling.

Pickled Red Cabbage

The cabbage should be firm and of good colour. Remove outer leaves, wash the cabbage and cut into shreds. Place in layers in a basin, sprinkling salt between each layer, and leave for 24 hours. Drain thoroughly, pack into jars and cover with cold spiced vinegar.

Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Hotel Lindum-— St. Annes-on-Sea — Lancashire

October 1943